Thursday, October 18, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Piper's officially two weeks old, today!

We took her to the doctor and had her weighed again. She's up to 6 lbs 6 oz (about 7 oz over her birth weight), so she's been moved from a "must eat every 3 hours" diet to an "on-demand" diet. Now that she's established a weight gaining trend, she's allowed to sleep through the night, if she so chooses (and we can't help admitting that we hope she does, but it doesn't look likely, yet).

We've been out for several more walks, recently, and I've started getting back into a work mindset. With Lane staying home on maternity leave until December, I'll have some flexibility to split my time between work and family throughout the day if I need to. This is going to be a good practice run for when Lane goes back to work and I'm taking care of Piper by myself during the day (and I anticipate that a lot of my work is actually going to be accomplished in the evenings).

We're getting more and more used to being parents, though, and learning Piper's expressions. The one above is, "Why are you taking a picture of me instead of getting me a bottle?"

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